Sara Habib
2 min readApr 2, 2021


The best to make your time more useful is to fix the stuff around yourself. This requires examining the surroundings and find out the areas that you can improve.
While performing this fun activity, I was situated in my bedroom. And the area somehow looked like the one shown in the picture below.

Here, I identified that the room needs to get organized and all the things that are messed up here needs to be kept at there appropriate place.

Making a bed has become one of those chores that very few people bother with, but a properly made bed has a dramatic impact on the way a room looks and feels. The things kept in their proper place not only maintains order, but creates a welcoming environment for everyone. So, I thought to start fixing things from my house, and here in my bedroom is the bed that seems messy, all the extra stuff needs to be placed properly to make room look organized and clean.

Therefere, to make up a bed neatly, I basically started by placing extra things out of the room . I organized the books into piles and arranged the pillows on top. Also, I stretched the bed sheet over the four corners of the bed so it lies smooth against the mattress. Then, I folded the blanket and placed it on top of the bedsheet. I also placed the water bottle, towel, headphones and the tea cup at their appropriate places.

Now, after fixing the stuff, this is how the room looks:

As shown above, a properly made bed looks neat and clean. This definitely gave me a feeling of satisfaction for cleaning and completing this fun activity. Making the bed further encouraged me to keep the rest of my room tidy. I felt inspired to improve my bedroom appearance in better ways and to add decorations to the room.

Making the bed every day is a welcome ritual for most of the people, signifying setting things in order for a new day.

If it wasn’t an activity to perform, I would still have done it but not at the same time. It might be according to my convineance that I would have performed this activity of fixing the stuff.

Moreover, This activity surely relates to the act of leadership in terms of taking responsibility of our surroundings to keep clean and tidy. Taking the ownership of our work and be responsible enough to take an initiative towards betterment reflects an act of true everyday leadership without authority.

