Carbon Footprints-Getting Closer to Mega Project Problem

Sara Habib
3 min readApr 9, 2021


Making footprints is easy, and we often leave them behind without even realizing it. And suppose we stepped in wet cement, the footprints get imprinted on earth and stay once the cement gets set. Our carbon footprint is similar and there’s a lot we can do to smooth it all out again and can have a long-lasting positive impact on the world.

Problem Statement: The increase in carbon footprint has led to Global Warming. The continuous rise in temperatures due to activities such as environmental pollution influenced by humans is a reality. By the end of this century, the situation is likely to get worst drastically if the greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced considerably.

Pakistan’s contribution to global emissions is less than 1% but still, it is among the most vulnerable country facing the threat of climate change. According to the German Watch Global Climate Risk Index of 2018, Pakistan is at the seventh position with a death toll of 523.1 lives per year i.e loss of 10,462 lives in 20 years — and economic losses worth $3.8 billion.

During this time, the country has suffered from 141 extreme weather events including storms, floods, glacial lake outbursts floods, and heatwaves. These recurring events affect Pakistan’s economy by destroying infrastructure and altering cropping patterns.

According to the country’s emission trend, the energy and agriculture sectors are responsible for about 90% of its total greenhouse gas emissions resulting in a total increase of 123% in 21 years. In light of GDP growth targets set in vision 2025 and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor’s (CPEC) investment and energy demand, the country’s total emissions are expected to increase by about 300% for the projected period (2015–2030).

The fast pace at which global warming is affecting that is by our contribution to carbon emissions can have a negative impact on us as individuals, our society as well as globally. The problems faced include sea levels that are rising at an increased rate, the occurrence of destructive weather events, more people being displaced and negatively affected by the effects of climate change, also the earth’s poles, which are covered in ice, are melting.

The issue is serious and needs to be addressed to have a positive impact globally. In our fight against climate change, it’s not just about the environment but also reducing our carbon footprint can help us live a healthier lifestyle, everyone making small adjustments can lead to big results.

